Seriously, you don't know how comfortable it is to write without any obligation to expose my writing, let's say, to my class comrades (I have really no idea why this example came to my mind).
As a matter of tradition, every term you can find a "freaky" post in my blog. Freaky posts consist of things which delight freaks. Freaks are the ones who are delighted by freaky things. Well, not really a valid definition, but at least I know how to transform an active sentence to a passive one... Muahahaha!
(Maybe I'll go into the details in another ocasion)
Yeah, yeah... Today I'm going to talk about how I LOST my mind. About something I LOST big part of my free time for. And it's still going. I'm going to talk about how you LOST your pacience and about your exponentially (e.g. y=x²) increasing desire that I finally come to the... point.
LOST is a mystery/drama television series that was produced from 2004 to 2010. This may be the first series I talk to you about you have actually seen at any point. And it would be no wonder.
Everything starts on the 22th of September in 2004 (you know you're really into a series when you don't have to check dates like this one) when an airplane of the Oceanic Airlines gets into strong turbulences and finally crashes into two pieces in the air. The passengers who survived (apparently around 40 people) find themselves on an island together with half of the plane wreck. At first, most of them are shocked, in danger to drown, seriously injured, busy to help the earlier mentioned ones or simply secondary characters who walk through like if they were doing a walk in a park.
But no, I'll destroy your will to have a look at this great series if I abuse of this kind of humour.
One thing that makes LOST so utterly cool is, in fact, its characters. They are so suspiciously amazing and interesting guys, by the end of the first season you will adore or hate almost every character, but you will hardly be able to ignore any of them.
Being LOST a mystery series, I'm obliged to follow every moral rule that orders me to avoid any possible spoiler to you. Therefore, and this is really serious, if you actually are interested in watching this series or at least give it a try, DO NOT look for any information on the internet. The spoiler rate is so high because almost every episode reveals something you didn't see coming. The cliffhangers are letal for every need of sleep. I haven't been entertained and brainwashed (in a good way) and raptured in this way since Death Note. But Death Note are 37 episodes with 22 minutes each one (approximately). LOST strikes you with 6 seasons containing 121 episodes with a duration of more or less 42 minutes each one. After some days watching, you're literally LOST in the series...
The main characters, just imagine them without these "stylish clothes" (but with ripped and filthy ones, you dirty-minded!) and... well, less make-up. Oh, someone's missing!

And that's one of the things that makes LOST so unique. Every episode shows you the current (of the story-intern present) happenings which are interrupted every now and then by narrations of the past of the characters, including the flight or their life before destiny called for them. Usually, the narrations are essential for the current events or give you important additional information to change your point of view.
Moreover, the amount of mysteries, secrets and WTF?-moments ("Was Tuen Frauen?", hence the abbreviation, is German and means something like "what the fuck happened" but being German obviously in a more aggressive way)* is really uncountable (so you should use "much", not "many").
When you just got the answer for one question, four more of them appear. But you can't stop watching.
Another variable (I've got a mathematic day today) for the success of the series is logically the setting. The dramatic situations are magic: they make disappear your fingernails! Really, sometimes you're suffering in front of the screen, but as we humans and especially we mystery lovers are a bit masochistic, we like that ;)
And that's all I can tell you. Actually I haven't told you anything, because to experience LOST is to find out the story step by step by yourself. And the island would never forgive if I'd anticipate you any event of the story...
Just one little tip: If you're going to give LOST a chance, please watch a least 4 or 5 episodes, because the pilot tends to give you a false vision of the series.
* Very strange humour, isn't it? Instead of laughing, try to find the message of my joke... or simply continue reading ignoring it.
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