Thursday 27 December 2012

Madness: Part 2 (actual reasoning)

Now, the stuff is getting real ;) Now that I've done such a huge introduction, even accompanied by a song and a definitely cool ending (I should produce films!)... What was all that for?
First, let me explain you the importance of the song. Well, actually it has got the full importance because this song inspired me to this post in this blog for this day today. In a general way, it talks about the feelings linked to a relationship of someone. Apparently, this relationship has already come to an end or is about to end, but the protagonist can't stop thinking about it. It seemed to be some kind of puzzle for him what had actually happened and why things got to that point. He thinks about the period of their relationship and he notices that madness slowly began to control their acts. He even starts to doubt the trueness of their love, he speculates it was just madness that made them blind. But at a certain point, he believes to have found the solution, to finally understand and he begs his partner to come back to him. Even though, finally he concludes: their love is madness.

This is just my own interpretation of the story the song explains, maybe you think in a different way about it depending on your experiences. But as we all know, an intelligent song has something beneath the lyrics. Something that's under the simple incidents the song explains. Besides that this song is just amazing (the "I need to love" part is just... just... oh, man, I'm really going to say it: orgasmic), it's topic is something that I'm quite sure we all think about at one point or another.
"Am I going mad?" "Only some mad guy could do what I did..." "My life is madness, I can't believe what's happening..." 
Just some examples of thoughts probably everyone of us had at least once.
But what is this madness exactly? When I say we all have these thoughts sometimes, that doesn't mean we all have mental disorders. It just means we are all human. And we human have our problems because he have feelings and our feelings can bring happiness and sadness and... madness.
I think the madness comes out when something really worries us. This can be in a positive way or in a negative way, black and white, yin and yang. 
Let's say for instance you really love someone. Like the person of the song. At some point, maybe the things in your relationship just don't work the way you would like them to do. You start to worry. You begin to construct a web of thoughts and incidents. You start to mix them up, finally you can't distinguish anymore what is reality and what is just the crazy... no, mad fiction in your own head. You start to lose your mind. Your actions aren't determined by yourself anymore, but by your madness. Your partner realises that and worries about you. Maybe your partner starts to think it's really his fault. And the chain continues and madness slowly starts to take control of your partner in the same way it did with you. Neither one you are able to think with a sober mind anymore. You get aggressive, fragile, vulnerable... And then at some point you look back and ask yourself: "How on Earth did all that happen?"
Now let's try out another example. You get to a new place. Maybe a new class in your studying time or a new workplace when you're already an adult. You get to know a lot of new people but there's one person you're already familiar with. So you trust this person. Now there's someone of the new people who seems to be quite nice. Maybe you start to have some feelings for this person. But your friend notices that and warns you. "Don't go with that person! It's a false one! You will get into trouble with that person!" Now there are two possible scenarios. You listen to your friend or you don't. What if you do? Maybe this person was the one to change your life. Maybe your friend was a bad influence. To convince yourself that you made the right decision, something we human always do to satisfy our consciousness, you start to hate that person. Without any reason, you begin to make yourself think that this is the worst person you met in your life. And maybe this takes you until the point you start to hate anyone who shares something with that person... Now, the other possibility. You don't listen to your friend. Same story, you want to convince yourself. So naturally, this person is an angel on Earth. Even though sometimes you notice that your friend may have been right, you don't want to accept it. You bury those thoughts in the deepest part of your conciousness, hoping it will never get to release. The person starts to take advantage of you, but you let the things happen. It's the way you chose and you have to defend it.

Some really mindbusting stories, aren't they? Maybe they even seem too farfetched to you. But are they really so farfetched? Yes, they are. But our mind is able to do some wonderful and some horrible things. I remind you, black and white, ying and yang. Our mind can bring the furthest ideas close to our range. Even the most stupid things we thought we would never do can become reality for us.
If you take a close look to my examples, the things which seem to urge madness are love, egoism, a narrow mind, the loss of control and the abstinence of clear thinking. 
So what is important to not lose our mind and being swallowed by the madness (the song really hit the bull's eye with some sentences...)?
Always watch out to not shut yourself down. If you do that, you close the door which connects you to the world and to the possibilities of good ideas. It's extremly important to get out, see diferent things, opinions, people, thoughts...
That's already the second point: Don't try to satisfy yourself with your opinion when you already know deep in your mind that you're wrong. Prove that you have some guts (girls have some, too, sometimes even more than guys... at least the metaphorical ones) and face your problems. Stand up against the obstacles and examine yourself (my philosophy teacher would be proud, the examination part is one of Socrates' principles). Because if you don't, you will never take a single step forward. You will remain in the puddle of your own thoughts, of your self-pity, of your immaturity (some people call that puddle alcohol...).

If you're able to observe the occurences in your life from some distance and clear up your mind, madness won't win the fight against you. Because you're stronger than the madness. You just don't have to believe everything it tells you.

And now, after reading that, you probably need to clear up your mind, too. At least I need to. Time for some brain-melting activities, maybe I'm going to play some videogames :)

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