Friday 23 November 2012


Oh, dear, now I may have raised false hopes... Because I actually think that an important factor of humour is if you are waiting for something funny or if it catches you by surprise. Just think of it. Usually, it's easier for you to laugh about something you didn't see coming. The most simple example would be a joke you already know. Maybe it's the best joke you heard in your entire life and you had an orgasm of laughter the first time they explained it to you. Perhaps the second time it's still funny, but no as much as it was previously. It's because you already know what awaits you. This is so self-evident for us that it almost sounds stupid, but if something is so funny, why can't you laugh at it the 3000th time if you could hardly breathe between the different "ha"s in first place?

Oh dear, what a lame one...

And this is just another point: Why is it so difficult to be funny when you absolutely want to? The typical situation, you're with the girl or the boy or the alien you like and you try to say something to make him/her/it laugh. That's the moment when you say the most stupid things in your whole life.
Or even worse. You know that awkward feeling when you're trying to tell a joke and at the perfect moment, when you're supposed to provoke a series of chemical reactions which makes the other roll laughing on the floor, you have a **** ****** ******* blooper (don't worry, I already know the vocabulary to place in here, it's not that I just didn't know which adjectives to put in here... noooooooo)?

So, humour is determined by a series of factors. Just like the weather which depends on a series of conditions or my mood on Monday morning when I go to sch... oh no, wait, there aren't any factors for my mood on Monday morning. The Monday morning IS the factor. I think I have something like morningphobia. Believe me, the morning is evil. EVIL!
But I'm getting off the point, there are several factors which determine the humorous situation. The factors that affect the active member, the one who tries to be funny and the passive member, the one who receives the visual or auditive signals from the passive member.
(Oh wow, I sound so scientific! ^___^)

No, let's be a bit more serious. Serious. Talking about humour. Oh my god.

Factors for the active member

- Mental maturity and culture: You know these kinds of jokes that appear in TV programmes for little children? Message to the people who use these jokes. They appear in programmes for children BECAUSE THEY ARE FOR CHILDREN. Seriously (oh no, not this subtly ironically loaded word again), it is not funny at all when a sixteen-years-old adoslescent says "dirty words" instead of a normal sentence. And there are many who do that...
*If you don't know what dirty words are, you aren't actually an Internet user or you've never seen a talk show in TV. Congratulations!

- Spontaneity: There are comedians on TV who offer you a stand up of 7 minutes and they literally shoot at you like they had a machine gun with bullets of payoffs. But these are professionals. They need hours and hours of work to prepare their gags! Don't try to be like them and force yourself to comment something funny on everything. The timing is tremendously important! Just like in every situation of our daily life. Better you are really funny two times a months than you try to make a joke 100 times and you aren't funny at all.

-etc. (this simple et cetera makes me sound like "I know even more factors, but I'm so cool that I can sum up this topic to the two most impotant ones", doesn't it? Doesn't it? :D )

Factors for the passive member

- Mood or state of mind: On Monday morning nothing makes me laugh. Only the melodic sound of a news reporter explaining that there's no school today could perform the miracle.
- The prehumorous knowledge or expectation (to invent new terms should be considered a talent): If you were concentrated while you were reading my post you will remember that I talked about this earlier. If not, then read it now! You should feel ashamed! >:(

- etc. pp. (this "pp." is not meant to give you any hints about my political attitude)... (no, really not)... (now I made you doubt, eeeeeh? :D)... (I really abuse parentheses)

Look what I've just found on Google looking for "humor"... That's suspicious.

All the concepts described in this text aren't scientifically proven because you can't find them on Wikipedia. Sorry dude, you can't do copy and paste.

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