If anyone decides to read my blog, as a consequence of a divine chain of causality or something, for first time this term... I'm afraid it will also be the last time. Maybe they won't even talk to me again. Or dare to look me in the eyes. My topics are a little psycho this time.
Tonight's post is going to be quite an exception. It's something very unusual for my blog. You would never expect me to write about that. Naaah, it's not a book. It's a game...
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Must... resist... posting... more... Koala... pics...
ARRRRGHICANTITSTOOADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! Lol, wait... ARRRRGHICANTITSTOOADORABLE!!!!!!!!!! hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi, my mind is at the level of an 8-years-old........ :S
I simply love koalas. You remember that "An animal in me" post we did a loooooong time ago? To be accurate, it was the very first post I did on this blog, almost 3 years ago. The crazy German has evolved a lot in that time. He's not that German anymore. Probably even crazier though. But one thing hasn't changed: He loves koalas. And now he speaks of himself in third person, whatever be the reason.
Well, before I get too nostalgic, let me talk about the game, which was the initial idea...
Alright, so as I told you, I haven't played this game by myself. I've been following the walktrough videos by a famous Spanish youtuber called "ElRubius", I'll get onto that Youtube thing in another post... What's important now is the game itself. It's called "Catherine" and it's a puzzle-platformer adventure game putting emphasis on its story. Actually, the story makes the game. Maybe you've already noticed, after reading millions, no BILLIONS of my posts, that I'm especially interested in games with gripping stories. To be honest, this is the one and only reason that I still haven't given up the hope that, one day, I might become an enthusiastic reader.
The game focuses on Vincent, a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, who has been in a relationship with Katherine (yes, spelled with a "K"; you'll get the importance of this in a minute) for 5 years. She starts pressuring him that they should seriously consider to marry. Vincent isn't overly excited about the idea and that night he gets drunk, like really drunk, like REALLY drunk, like me on carnival, and after hanging around with his buddies in a bar, he stays there for a while his friends are already gone. And then, Catherine (spelled with "C", in other words: another woman) enters the bar. Catherine is a really attractive woman, like really attractive, like REALLY attractive, like me on carniv... wait, that's wrong. Anyway, she's hot, okay?
And as if Vincent's situation wasn't already tricky enough, Catherine decides to sit right next to Vincent. With all the other seats being empty. The "salseo" is bound to occur.
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This is Catherine... If someone's still in need of a suggestion for this year's carnival disguise, I'm your man. Oh, with "someone", I mean a girl. No, not you, Mr. Diez (I wish he would read this) |
If you put one and one together it's pretty obvious what ends up happening: Vincent and Catherine spend the night together. Playing ludo (parchÃs), you know?
What's worst: Poor Vincent was so drunk, he didn't really realise what was occuring. Therefore, he wakes up next morning and is... quite surprised that this Ferrari of a woman is lying next to him.
And then things become strange as hell.
After those events, Vincent has nightmares every night. In his nightmares, he... well, see for yourself:
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I think every young man on this planet can identify with Vincent... #TODOSCONVINCENT |
He finds himself forced to climb up mountains of blocks (which is the actual gameplay part), escaping from several monster that represent his inner anxieties (for example, one of them is his girlfriend Katherine in a bridal dress) always being his objective to reach the top and gain access to an enigmatic tower. There he meets other men who have been completely transformed into sheep. Seemingly Vincent is not the only one suffering from those special nightmares. And then there are those news on TV about men dying from mysterious conditions...
Well, basically the game is about Vincent's inner conflict about what he should do, about he wants to do and all the "salseo" involved. If I caught your attention with this little introduction to the story, give it a chance and look for it on Youtube! It'll be worth it, I swear! As for the ladies reading this post... I'm sure experiencing the story from Vincent's point of view will give you a nice insight into the psychology of a man ;)
I already hear some female voices saying "What? Men have a psychology on their own? I thought they were only interested in sex."
One of my favourite features in games in general are different possible endings. Every time Vincent reaches the top of the block mountain he has to go to some kind of confessional box and there, a strange female voice, appearingly coming from nowhere, speaks to him. Of course Vincent has to answer a question. A moral question. Based on the answer the player gives, Vincent's "karma level" increases or decreases. And depending on his karma level, the story will continue one way or the other. I love these little mind games! This game has it all: an interesting story, beautiful anime-like cutscenes, an extremely realistic and likeable protagonist, a hot girl, the player's interaction taking influence on the events... I love it!
To conclude this post, I thought it would be funny to post some of the possible questions that the players have to answer throughout the game. I invite you to take a minute and think about your own responses. Some of the questions are rather difficult to answer and sometimes you will prefer to say "it depends on...", but try to decide on one single answer. I'll also include my own answers in the spoiler tag, so if you click on the "Show/Hide" button you can read my responses. Try to guess my own answers before reading them! If you have time, I'd like you to post your responses in the comments and tell me about your thoughts regarding this post in general and my answers. THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I ACTUALLY ASK FOR COMMENTS SO PLEEEEAAASE T_T
Naaah, I'm not forcing you, don't worry.
Here are the questions:
- 1. Does life begin or end at marriage?
- A: It begins
- B: It ends.
- 2. Do you prefer to stand out from the crowd or fit in?
- A: Fit in.
- B: Stand out
- 3. Are you a pervert?
- A: I don't think so.
- B: No use denying it.
- 4. Who would be responsible if you cheated?
- A: It'd be my fault.
- B: The person I cheat with.
- 5. Could you ever be paid enough to go nude in public?
- A: Never!
- B: How much are we talking about?
- 6. What's your take on praying mantis mating habits? (in case you don't know... a praying mantis is an insect species; the female ones devour their partner after the sexual act)
- A: It makes me nauseous.
- B: Whatever.
- 7. Do you like children?
- A: Love 'em
- B: Ugh!
- 8. If you get a call from someone you hate, do you...
- A: Answer it.
- B: Straight to voicemail.
- 9. Your lover is cheating on you. Do you...?
- A: Break up with them.
- B: Make them end it.
- 10. What do you do if you doubt your lover?
- A: Reaffirm my trust.
- B: Talk to them.
- 11. What would you do if your significant other fell in love with someone else?
- A: I'd let her go.
- B: Cling to what's mine!
- 12. Is it acceptable to marry for money or power?
- A: Yes.
- B: No.
- 13. Would you date someone who was already married?
- A: All's fair in love and war.
- B: I don't cheat.
- 14. If you got reincarnated, would you want to be human?
- A: I love being human!
- B: It doesn't matter.
- 15. Are you prepared to risk your life to get back together with a former lover?
- A: Of course!
- B: Maybe not everything...
- 16. Do you wish for a peaceful life?
- A: Yes.
- B: No.
- 17. Do you wish for the excitement of chaos?
- A: Yes.
- B: No.
- 18. Do you have any lingering longing for excitement and chaos?
- A: Yes.
- B: No.
My answers:
I'm going to be honest with you. I did not read the whole post about this game. I just read the koalas' part and the last part about the questions. (I'm sorry)
ReplyDeleteBut I did found interesting the questions and as you ask for comments here is mine:
1. A (but...mh...not sure I guess) neither B. Okay, probably A but..
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A (maybe B in expreme conditions but if not A)
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. B and then if he really loves that other so much then let him go, so B and A. (A is the clever answer but I know myself and letting go is something Im not good at)
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. Oh that's hard.I don't know. Mh... probably B? God it sound terrible to say no. But yeah, I guess I don't. We don't learn with a peaceful life.
17. A
18. A
Okay know I'll check YOUR answers... Okay done. Be careful because now I know you better... hahaha
Pretty good and fun questions :)
Hahaha, I appreciate your honesty! I'm glad the introduction and the quiz managed to keep you on my blog for a little longer ;)
DeleteBy the way, I'm terrible at letting go as well. But I tried to imagine the situation and if that person was REALLY my "significant other" I'd prefer to see her happy than forcing her to something. Obviously I'd be a complete wreck hahaha.
And as for the peaceful life.. I know what you mean. In fact, my answers a little contradictory, since I long both for a peaceful life and for chaos/excitement.
PS: Watch out, the same goes for you (knowing you better ;P)!
ACTUALLY, it's much better than the quiz we did in class. I might as well copy from this and acknowledge where copyright is due...is that ok, Christian???
ReplyDeletehowever, we should design some answer sheet for As and Bs people...
that could make quite an interesting post, don't you think ?? ;-)
You're welcome to get any kind of "inspiration" from my blog, hahaha.
DeleteWhat do you mean by "some answer sheet"? Like an analysis of the type of person you are depending on your answers (like the one from today's class' test)?
Oh and in case you're interested, the game has actually a much bigger pool of possible questions; I only chose the ones that appeared during the youtube walkthrough. Some of the other questions are quite interesting as well! Some are just... plain weird... If you want to have a look: