Monday, 4 June 2012

Women's intuition

Women rule the world. You can discuss that as much as you want, it's impossible to refuse this fact. At least in the western world, women are who really decide. Just think about it! We men, we love women. They are so beautiful, they are so intelligent and they know what they want (attention at this point: I talk about WOMEN, not little girls). We men often think everything is OK, our life is going well, everything is so easy... But then SHE steps into our life and everything is even better. Well, despite the last one, life will be more difficult! But it's worth it! Women show us what we don't know yet. They make us feel good, they make us learn things that we men just don't learn by ourselves. The women have many things they do better and men, too. But everyday I doubt more what this may be for the men, sincerely.

But well, what has been the actual theme: the feminine intuition. Sometimes it's really frightening. My mother, for example, is one of the clearest cases. I give her a little piece of information about my actual situation or the one's of my friends and she tells me what's going to happen next. And so many times I don't believe her but she is right almost without exception! George J. Nathan, an American drama critic, once said: "What passes for woman's intuition is often nothing more than man's transparency." This may be partially true. But the frightening about this is, if men are so transparent and women understand other women because they're women... Then they know everything!
So everyday I ask myself more and more: who ever said men are stronger than women? I mean, intelligence and knowledge is might. Might is strength. 

Then the question is: What is the sense of the men? Are we just here to live our life and playing with our comrades and think we are better and just, well, help to give children to the women? I don't think so. Maybe the women just need someone who needs them. It's a bit ironic, but maybe that's the truth. Maybe the women have to train their mother instincts. Maybe without something to love and protect they just can't live. 
But maybe we men also have got something that women don't have. What? Well, perhaps you will read this in my blog in 10 years... 


  1. Nice way to see how things work and a really nice opinion!!
    But the importance of a person or a woman in your life depends of the value you give to your emotions, and I guess that It's quite relative.

    1. Thanks for commenting my post. You aren't from my school, right? Because actually, I created this blog in English class in 4th of ESO in a Spanish school. And I didn't know I had readers from outside!
      Well, you surely may be right, things of that kind always depends on the person and your feelings. But, they always talk about the typical differences between women and men... And then the men who even don't try to understand all the things the women do for them. I feel a lot of respect for the women! And sometimes I just want to be a good man to do more than just being protected and being loved, I want to be as good for the woman as she is to me. And this often seems so difficult...
