Monday, 4 June 2012

Schrei nach Liebe

Since it's been a long time I haven't done any post of a song, I'm going to close my "myworld" series for this year with a German song by Die Ärzte. My best friend in Germany showed me this song a week ago and I really can't stop it's melody playing in my head. I will post here the lyrics traduced by myself into English with it's German original lyrics on the side:

 Du bist wirklich saudumm / You are really damn stupid
Darum geht's dir gut / That is why you're fine
Hass ist deine Attitüde / Hatred is your attitude
Ständig kocht dein Blut / Always your blood's boiling

Alles muss man dir erklären / Everything's needs to be explained to you
Weil du wirklich gar nichts weist / Because you really don't know anything
Höchstwahrscheinlich nicht einmal / Mostly probably even not
Was Attitüde heißt / What attitude means

Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer schrei nach Liebe / Your violence is just a silent shout for love
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit / Your jump boots yearn for endearment
Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren / You never learnt to articulate yourself
Und deine Eltern hatten niemals für dich Zeit / And your parents never had time for you
Oh oh oh, Arschloch! / Oh oh oh, asshole!

Warum hast du Angst vorm Streicheln / Why do you fear stroking
Was soll all der Terz / What's this naggling about
Unterm Lorbeerkranz mit Eicheln / Under the laurel wreath with acorns
Weiß ich, schlägt ein Herz / I know, there's beating a heart

Und Romantik ist für dich / And romance is for you
 Nicht nur graue Theorie / Not just a gray theory
Zwischen Störkraft und den Onkelz / Between Störkraft and the Onkelz*
Steh ne Kuschelrock LP / There is a soft rock gramophone record


Weil du Probleme hast die keinen interessieren / Because you've got problems that don't interest anyone
Weil du Angst vor schmusen hast / Because you are frightenend of cuddling
Bist du ein Faschist / You are fascist
Du musst deinen Selbsthass nicht auf andere projizieren / You don't have to project your self-hatred on others
Damit keiner merkt was für ein lieber Kerl du bist / For making no one know what a nice guy you are

Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe / Your violence is just a silent shout for love
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit / Your jump boots yearn for endearment
Du hast nie gelernt dich artizukulieren** / You never learnt to articulate yourself
Und deine Freundin, die hat niemals für dich Zeit / And your girlfriend, she has never time for you

Oh oh oh / Oh oh oh

Arschloch! / Asshole!

Arschloch! / Asshole!

Arschloch! / Asshole!

* Störkraft and Onkelz (the whole name: Böhse Onkelz) are two German rock groups which are well-known for their affinity to far-right politics.
** Artizukulieren is a gramatically incorrect word. The preposition zu equivals to "to" in English. In German sometimes the prepositions can appear included into verbs that are formed by combining two words.
Example: I began to go down. -> Ich begann runterzugehen. (runtergehen is derivated of runter, down, and gehen, go)
But in this case artikulieren isn't a verb that is formed by combining words, so the zu in the middle of the word is incorrect.

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