Sunday, 17 March 2013

My clothes and me

Oh, dude...
Well, let's talk about s clothes. I tend to prefer rather dark clothes (yes yes, I have a dark soul). So usually you will se me in colours like black, grey, dark blue, etc. Now, in winter, I normally wear long-sleeved T-shirts and dark blue jeans. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but I don't like tight clothes, so I wear broad jeans (belts are one of the best inventions in the history of mankind) and not too narrow T-shirts. And, if you have noticed, why on earth are you staring at me?
Just kidding.
Ah, yeah, in the cold days I also wear a dark green/brown jacket (I'm not good at colours, my Y chromosome blocks that part of my brain), my good old "Siberian" jacket as I call it with affection. I mean, it is a thick piece of textile fabrics. Hence the name; it would allow me to survive even in Siberia!
In summer I usually wear three quarter pants (I only know this name thanks to my mother) or shorts, showing all the beauty of my masculine legs.*cough*
The T-shirts are rather short-sleeved in hot summer days, though. And maybe my summer clothes are a bit more colourful. But I'm not the one to wear rainbow clothes. 
And as for my shoes... Well, the same good trainers the whole year. It's simply the most practical and comfortable option. Even though it may seem to you, I'm not a brand freak, I don't buy only Nike clothes without any exception. Honestly, when I go shopping with my mom, the situation is more like this: My mom sees something (she knows to look for good quality stuff and things like that, mostly brand clothes for her), I say "no", "yes" or "maybe", try it out and then it's bought or not. 
It will be funny for me when I won't be living with my parents anymore and I'll have to go shopping alone. Possibly I'll buy the greatest trash, hehe.
So, yeah, call me boring, call me mummy's boy or whatever you want, but I really don't care much about clothes.
Well, except one thing: I like hats (Yes, you didn't know that part of me? I used to wear them in summer) and I'm a fan of cool T-shirts. You know, the ones with cool sentences or funny things. And the freaky ones. Probably, I'll wear some of them when I'll go shopping alone.
And for my underwear... Yeah, you would have liked to know something about that, wouldn't you?

So yeah, these were the mysterious missing posts. I hope, even these two little texts could entertain you. If not, I'm sorry, I'm not really into this topic.

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