Monday, 3 October 2011

Multiple Intelligences

This is my result of the Multiple Intelligences test. Honestly, I'm not very surprised of this result and I suppose this is just logical if I am "myself smart", a person with intrapersonal intelligence. I know myself very well, I know my strenghts and my weaknesses, my good and bad characteristics and what I have to improve. Also, I'm a very logical person. I like to see things like a puzzle with a solution which you can find thinking logically. I don't have any problems with finding solutions for myself for mathematical or other logical problems, when I'm motivated. I like to learn new languages and express myself in different ways when I talk in a language I really dominate. And I really like to write, about myself, about things I see, I think or simply things that happen in the world (but I have to admit that I often don't like to show my writings to other people). Something I can't explain as the other types is my kinaesthetic intelligence. It's not that much (like linguistic) but it's more than I expected, because I have problems in handling things physically. Maybe it's linked with my intrapersonal intelligence, I know myself and my body well, I'm psychically and physically balanced. I like to visualize things and I don't have problems to do it, but it's difficult for me to represent or explain them. I have difficulties for interacting with other persons, sometimes I can't place myself into another person and sometimes I'm too good to others and they take advantage of me. I like music and I respect people who have a talent for making music or recognize it but I'm not very good at these things. Also, I'm a city-human, which is reflected by my result of the naturalistic intelligence. I'm interested in things like our nature (how it works, why are things like they are) and actual themes which are related to the nature like pollution but often I feel like I'm living in my own world and then I don't think in the global way, considerating myself a part of the whole nature.
According to the chart of possible jobs in relationship with my test result the three best jobs for me are researcher, writer and lawyer. These are actually three jobs I can really imagine as my prospective careers. I like to ask for explanations and research for myself, try to find out why are things how they are. How I said earlier, I like to write. Also, I would like to be a lawyer, in my case more a defense attorney than a prosecutor. This is because I often try to defense persons, look for explanations why a person did or didn't do a thing.
How can you use this info to choose your future career?
Simply by thinking seriously about the possible careers the chart proposes. All this information helps me to find out which are my strenghts for possible jobs.
How can you contribute to society with your career?
To answer this question I considerate the 3 jobs I named earlier as my career. As a researcher I could find useful information for the society, maybe the things I find out could help to create new medicine or find solutions for social problems. As a writer I could entertain people or inform them (teach them in some way), two things I consider very important. Finally, as a attorney I could fight for the law and the right of my clients, helping to discover the truth and decide in a righteous way about the destiny of people.

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