Sunday 17 March 2013

The animal in you (test)

First of all, some general comments about the test. I think the idea that human behavior can be associated to different animal species is quite interesting. In fact, in my opinion, even though we humans are very "cultural" animals, the nature still has a strong influence on us. Our instincts and natural functions guide us more than we think. I once wrote my thoughts down in a little essay for philosophy, where I basically explained that the cultural behavior of each gender is based on their natural predetermination. This doesn't mean that we aren't able to use our consciousness to "escape" from our instincts, but they still regulate many of our actions. And some cultural aspects of dividing the roles of each gender, for example that normally the women tend to care more about the feelings being more emotional and the men are more practical showing interest in working and playing, have their origins in the natural instincts: The women are the ones to give birth to the children and take care of them, their maternal instincts guide them; while the men are supposed to be the ones to go out hunting and to bring the food at home and to protect the family.
And I particularly liked this:
The fundamental aspects of animal personalities can be summarized with the four Fs:
Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing and Sex.
I assume the fourth "F" was supposed to be "frungir" in Spanish. Anyone speaks Spanish to explain us? :P

But let's move on to my test results. I was told that nobody has said so far that they don't agree with their results. Well, this is too mainstream for me (Oh my god, I thought I'd never use that word... I'm becoming a hipster).
My three possibilities were (click on the name to read the analysis):

                     Owl                                         Beaver                                      Penguin

And I can't say I'm satisfied enough with any of the results. Although, I like the three animals. Aren't they just sweet and cool guys? <(^.^)>

My main result was the beaver. According to that I'm a workaholic. Maybe, there is something true about that, when I know that I've got some work, I do it well and efficient (or at least I try my best to do so). And I hate to have nothing to do. The problem is, if I don't have work, I find other things to do and I give them also much importance. This is the reason why I try to take things easier since last year. I'm determined to give my best and show what I can, but I don't want to give my life only for work. 
Something I don't agree at all is that I'm supposed to be a handy person. I am the clumsiest boy in the world. Maybe it's just because my parents used to be terribly overprotective when I was a child so they did it all for me, therefore I never got the chance to really learn to work with my hands. Maybe that's the reason why I always loved to think about problems, to solve them theoretically, to accept mental challenges. Because my parents couldn't think for me. So I put all my effort into absorbing just all the knowledge I could and examine myself constantly. In this way, I could find something I could do by myself. Damn, in the end I'm actually going to understand myself better thanks to these tests (ironically analysing right the opposite of what I've been told).

What's for the penguin, they may have a point that I can be a bit variable or unstable sometimes. It's when I can't decide to stay on one side and I constantly express apparently contradictory opinions. This is something I'm also trying to change about myself. Instead of being so passive sometimes, I want to grab the life and take all the good things out of it with determination and confidence. Self-criticism can be something good, but too much of it can be a symptom of a weak character.
But just like in the last case (owl), I miss something very important, which is my scientific side. Instead they tell me I'm rather a writer. I mean, yes, I can enjoy writing, but my heart beats for science and for knowledge, for the fascination of the nature. 

So, the owl, besides of the missing science comment, is the one that fits most my personality. It's definitely true that I'm rather the quiet observer. I always try to think about everything in a logical way and I love reflect about philosophical questions. I'm not the most sociable person, I never used to get into strong relationships with many people, but the few friendships I have are very deep ones. Although I also try to socialize more and get more contact to people, because in our modern world, knowing the right people can be the key to gain access to any place you want. And yes, I'm normally trustworthy, if I promise to do something, I will do so. Sometimes I sacrifice myself to much in order to help other people. It's another thing I'm trying to avoid, because if you can't protect yourself, in the end you can't protect the ones you love either.
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My clothes and me

Oh, dude...
Well, let's talk about s clothes. I tend to prefer rather dark clothes (yes yes, I have a dark soul). So usually you will se me in colours like black, grey, dark blue, etc. Now, in winter, I normally wear long-sleeved T-shirts and dark blue jeans. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but I don't like tight clothes, so I wear broad jeans (belts are one of the best inventions in the history of mankind) and not too narrow T-shirts. And, if you have noticed, why on earth are you staring at me?
Just kidding.
Ah, yeah, in the cold days I also wear a dark green/brown jacket (I'm not good at colours, my Y chromosome blocks that part of my brain), my good old "Siberian" jacket as I call it with affection. I mean, it is a thick piece of textile fabrics. Hence the name; it would allow me to survive even in Siberia!
In summer I usually wear three quarter pants (I only know this name thanks to my mother) or shorts, showing all the beauty of my masculine legs.*cough*
The T-shirts are rather short-sleeved in hot summer days, though. And maybe my summer clothes are a bit more colourful. But I'm not the one to wear rainbow clothes. 
And as for my shoes... Well, the same good trainers the whole year. It's simply the most practical and comfortable option. Even though it may seem to you, I'm not a brand freak, I don't buy only Nike clothes without any exception. Honestly, when I go shopping with my mom, the situation is more like this: My mom sees something (she knows to look for good quality stuff and things like that, mostly brand clothes for her), I say "no", "yes" or "maybe", try it out and then it's bought or not. 
It will be funny for me when I won't be living with my parents anymore and I'll have to go shopping alone. Possibly I'll buy the greatest trash, hehe.
So, yeah, call me boring, call me mummy's boy or whatever you want, but I really don't care much about clothes.
Well, except one thing: I like hats (Yes, you didn't know that part of me? I used to wear them in summer) and I'm a fan of cool T-shirts. You know, the ones with cool sentences or funny things. And the freaky ones. Probably, I'll wear some of them when I'll go shopping alone.
And for my underwear... Yeah, you would have liked to know something about that, wouldn't you?

So yeah, these were the mysterious missing posts. I hope, even these two little texts could entertain you. If not, I'm sorry, I'm not really into this topic.

Fashion test

I'm such a badass, I do my fashion posts in the third term (when they're not fashionable anymore...).

Oh my god, this is a really weird beginning for the last term.
The biggest philosophical question I could elaborate about this topic is...

Should I tag the post as of the second term or of the third term?

Only Mr. Freud knows...

Anyway, here are my fashion test results (I've never been so excited before):

Well, as you could expect, I mostly agree with the analysis of the results. I really don't bother much about fashion. But well, I can't say a lot about that, otherwise I'd have nothing else to explain in the next missing post >.<
But, what would a post in my blog be without my comments? :) My typical comments? :)


First of all. My sexiness is 34%? Bitch please, my sexiness is not determined by my clothes. That's for noobs. After all, it's not the clothes that makes you sexy, it's what is under your clothes ;)

And finally, 2 questions I found especially interesting:

12 Would you wear something that you find ugly only because it's fashionable and everyone is wearing it?

Yes, I have no taste

No, I like it when they laugh at me

Okay, so if I understood correctly they divide the visitors who do this test in two groups:
- The ones without character
- The masochistic ones (or rather the so-called "attention whores")

22 Which single detail would you choose if you really wanted to seduce someone?

Bare chest (men)/ Exposed breasts (women). I believe in animal magnetism. Also, I'm not inventive

Pierced tongue. Sexy AND useful

Spicy underwear. Sex appeal is for bedroom

Nice smell

Aha, useful... Well, I won't comment anymore about this. I already told you my opinion.

I know this is just a fun test. So please, just like I don't take this test seriously, don't do alike with my post. Well, except the sexiness part :P

Sunday 3 March 2013

Description II (or also: "Second Term: The epilogue")

Here comes the LAST last post this term. I promise.

Description of a classmate

Now I'm going to describe a boy who sits close to me in class. We didn't talk much to each other until this year.
He's a rather tall boy, he has got brown hair and brown eyes as well. He's neither dark nor really fair-skinned, but he used to blush easily when he was the center of attention (I think he does not anymore).
He practices a certain sport, but I won't tell you which one (it would be too obvious).
As for his personality, I have to admit I don't know him very much. What I could observe above all is that he's particularly competitive. He's good in school and so he always wants to compare his results to mine, even though I'm causing him a rough time challenging. I would also say that he quickly feels embarrassed when he isn't convinced of himself, when he isn't confident. But I would say he's a good friend you can count on if you need his help. And he also seems to be quite intelligent because he is able to think in a logical and rational way. So, he has nothing he should feel embarrassed for.
All in all, he's a nice person and a good classmate. Do you know who I'm talking about? Try to guess ;)